Wednesday 9 December 2009

Somethings still growing out there...!

I've been so busy with Christmassy stuff lately, that I've hardy had chance to get into the garden, so just to show that, somewhat surprisingly there's still lovely stuff growing out there (amongst the weeds and the mud), here's a couple of carrots, a turnip, and a rather overgrown, forked parsnip. Well nobody's perfect.

But it does represent the makings of a lovely vegetable soup, as I happen to have a big jug of chicken stock in the fridge just waiting for these. Simmered with a couple of chopped onions and a potato, a handful of parsley and served with a hunk of home made bread, lunch is covered for the next few busy days.


  1. lovely veg. puts my winter stuff to shame!!!
    nice to read about other christmas preparations!!!

  2. Certainly made a lovely veg soup John, thanks for stopping by, Kathy

  3. Hi Kathy!

    I'm the Community Manager for Ruba ( a new travel site. We're trying to help the environment by planting trees for badges placed on blogs, would you be interested in participating? You can reach me at erin [at]! Thanks so much!


  4. Sue Joe and Michael, made enough to last through several days of christmas shopping too!

  5. Yum! Chicken stock makes the best soup! I like to use mine for great risotto too. x

  6. 100% agreed there James, thanks for stopping by.


Automatic chicken keeping - Introducing the Eggmobile

  I'm hugely excited about this new aquisition Well that just looks like an ancient rusty horsebox I hear you say. And what's more, ...