Wednesday 17 March 2010

Getting organised in the veg garden

Just a quick look at the developments in the veg garden. The weather's been excellent for the past week, and I've taken the opportunity to get on with a bit of digging, well quite a lot of digging in fact. So I thought I'd just show you a picture of how it's going. You're probably thinking it all looks a bit higgledy piggledy, but there is a Plan, no really there is, and I'm quite pleased with progress so far. I've got most of the beds organised, and have dug out a ton of perennial weeds, couch grass, bindweed, and buttercups to name but three.
Note the grey plastic bins I have reclaimed from a local sausage skin manufacturer which will serve as water butts, - the green thing that looks like an overweight Dalek is a compost bin. The greenhouse looks quite clean and sparkly  from this distance, - unfortunately it isn't, and I will have to get on with that job pretty soon too. It's quite a lot of glass to clean Oh it's all go in the garden in March and April.


  1. Look at the size of your greenhouse! Blimey it's humungous! You have been busy haven't you! :D

  2. Love looking at your garden and greenhouse. Great! I won't have even a fourth that much, but I want to get something planted this year. I have been working on building some planter boxes and making a little garden this year.

  3. I must own up to greenhouse envy!

  4. SJM - I am lucky to have such a large greenhouse, comes in handy in the tomato season.

    Callie - your garden is charming, and probably much better cared for than mine is!

    Tammyk - big and draughty I'm afraid, but thanks for the compliment.


Automatic chicken keeping - Introducing the Eggmobile

  I'm hugely excited about this new aquisition Well that just looks like an ancient rusty horsebox I hear you say. And what's more, ...