Friday 24 June 2011

Lettuce Lawn

I've heard of a chamomile lawn, indeed I've tried to grow one several times, with limited success it has to be said, but how about a lettuce lawn? This bit of grass is where the Hubbard table chickens lived, and where they consumed many bolted lettuces, and that's possibly the reason for this patch of Green Salad Bown growing in the middle of the grass. Come to think of it, the bolted lettuces were overgrown, but I doubt whether many had had chance to set seed, so maybe it just blew in from the veg patch. I bet I couldn't grow lettuce here if I tried.

It's growing really well though, so as I said before, if things just come up I like to leave them, extra pickings of salad for free. Watch out for Mr Wilkinson coming along on his lawn mower though!


  1.'re giving me ideas!!

    Sue xx

  2. My front 'lawn' has not been cut for ages because the lawnmower is sick and in need of repair, so I now have an ever growing jungle of an assortment of plants some of which have turned out to be very attractive wild flowers. So when the lawnmower does get fixed I shall probably just cut paths through and leave the 'lawn' wild! No lettuce as yet in the lawn though!

  3. That is good. I've had lots of things seed in the lawn but never lettuce before.

  4. I nice surprise salad, great! (Get out the traffic cones and cordon off the new lettuce patch!)

  5. Suddenly Salad!

    I have random carrots or parsnips growing throughout my yard, and I really can't explain it!

  6. I have bulldog piddle patches on my lawn!

  7. If our lawnmower keeps dying, I think I will just throw veggie seeds in and water it a lot! Maybe I will get a lettuce lawn too!

  8. So when you mow your lawn, it really is 'cut and come again'!


Automatic chicken keeping - Introducing the Eggmobile

  I'm hugely excited about this new aquisition Well that just looks like an ancient rusty horsebox I hear you say. And what's more, ...