Sunday 18 April 2010

Trout Lilies, What's in a Name?

I always look forward to seeing my clump of Erythroniums come up in April. Trout Lily or Dog's Tooth Violet is the common name, neither or which do this lovely flower any justice at all. It's not huge, no more than a foot tall, and the colour is delicate rather than flashy, but the form of the flowers is well worth getting down on you knees for a close inspection.

They do well in shade, mine are under deciduous trees, and once established will come up every year, increasing gradually as  the years go by. To encourage the clump to increase, take off the flowers as soon as they are over, before the plant sets seed. I think there are other varieties and colours available, mine is called Pagoda, and is widely available.


  1. What a coincidence. I took my Sunday walk in the woods today, which I'll be posting about tomorrow, and I found where some trout lilies were just coming up. Right now, it's just those beautiful single leaves that come first. But, I'll try to keep an eye on them, and see if there are flowers later.

  2. How lovely Louise, I've never seen them in the wild.

  3. These are lovely! I'm going to look our for these.


Automatic chicken keeping - Introducing the Eggmobile

  I'm hugely excited about this new aquisition Well that just looks like an ancient rusty horsebox I hear you say. And what's more, ...