Monday 14 June 2010

The Road To Nowhere

This isn't a road, not even a track really, and it certainly doesn't go anywhere. It's just the side of a field between the rape crop and the hedge, but it makes a nice walk with the dog, away from the lane so she can run in safety without a lead. But the other morning I turned into the field and came face to face with a big healthy looking fox sauntering casually towards me.  I don't know why, buy it didn't seem to see me at first, and Mo was busy with her head down a rabbit hole, and it carried on sauntering towards me, until it was no more than ten yards away,  when it stopped and stared at me in amazement, as you might stare if say, the Bishop of Bath and Wells suddenly appeared in your sitting room without warning, and then it disappeared into the hedge. And all before I had the opportunity to nip back home and get the camera! Or even interrogate him about the reduction in the chicken population at Carters Barn earlier this year.....


  1. Cool, a fox, up close and personal! I have started taking my camera out with me lately, you never know what (or who) you will run into. It looks like a lovely place to walk or run!

  2. Hi Sharon, yes I couldn't help admiring him, despite all my trials with his chosen diet...

  3. I am learning that the camera goes everywhere with me. That would have been an amazing photo. Diane

  4. Oh NO! Not the Bishop of Bath and Wells! Now that's a phrase from long passed :))

  5. Sly foxes at your place too. Dee has them at Red Dirt Ramblings and they got off with 3 chickens. Very pretty to see aren't they?

  6. They're gorgeous animals, aren't they. I'm starting to do the same thing. Where I go, my camera comes along.

  7. ggrrr why on earth is the camera always at home when you need it :-( Fab story though.

  8. Oh that must have been a suprising experience for you! I can't take my camera when I am out and about because for some reason it refuses to work. Must be the jiggling about in my pockets. So I also miss many magical moments. But at home my camera is never far away, and I am happy-snapping here, there and everywhere at Labartere. I haven't seen any foxes here, but there are loads of other wild animals, including a wild boar who charged across our fields the other day.

  9. Hi Diane, I will have to try and remember to take the camera with me in future

    Hi Ted and Bunny I dont' know why but it always makes me laugh

    Hi GSS I love to see them, even though I hate it when they take my stock

    Hi Louise, yes I will have to remember

    Thanks ScentedSweetpeas, glad you liked the story

    Hi Vera I do find that by the time I've switched it on and focused whatever it was has long gone!

  10. I'm so delighted to find your blog! We'll be visiting Wiltshire in September, and you're giving me a very tempting taste!

  11. Thanks for visiting me! I have been told we have foxes here but I have never seen one...which is good for my chickens! We do live surrounded by national forest so we do have a lot of wild life.

  12. Your backyard looks like ours. I have to get my camera out too. We have our new English Springer Spaniel that loves the fields behind our garden.
    I love everything English. Love your site and enjoy the window into your world...

  13. Don't you hate it when you don't have you camera when you need it.

  14. Dear Kathy, Foxes are alive and well in Maida Vale too these days!!

    As an aside, my family was once on Christmas card terms with the Bishop of Bath and Wells.

    I am so pleased to have found you [via a most circuitous route] and have enjoyed looking through your earlier postings.As a @follower' I shall surely return.

  15. Hi Tim I hope you enjoy your visit to Wilts, I'd be happy to recommend some local pubs (and other non alcoholic places of interest of course ;) if you need any help.

    Lucky you Melodie, no foxes!

    Hi Jennifer, I can imagine your Springer bounding around the field, lovely dogs springers, full of character

    Indeed Becky, I often do

    Hello Edith, I would so love to be able to drop that snippet into a casual conversation - "As I said to the Bishop of Bath and Wells...."


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