Wednesday 10 November 2010

Fashion Extra

An item by Rachel Johnson in Saturday's Guardian about the  latest fashion for city types to dress in "country clothes" made me smile - "It's only the City types who dress up like the royal family at an Edwardian era shooting party" she says.

And my recent encounter with a country estate agent confirms that this is not only a city trait, as I watched him bounce around a nice old Cotswold house in his Barbour and Hunters pointing out the dual aspect fenestration.

Proper country types, says Johnson wear "Dunlop boots lined with acrylic fluff, ancient fleeces, and their grandfather's tweed trousers with a huge rip in the crotch".

So good to know that I'm still the height of sartorial elegance.


  1. Dear Kathy, What a most amusing posting! Both you and Rachel Johnson made me smile.

    I am afraid to admit that I do own Hunter wellington boots [ green of course] and find them both serviceable and comfortable. However, I do not own a single pair of trousers and I have never 'warmed' to those 'Puffa Jackets' that seem to be de rigeur in every branch of Waitrose.

  2. ahhh...the one vital accessory the City Types never quite manage is that wonderful aromatic halo of "Eau de slurry" that is impregnated in the Country Clothes!!

  3. I dress like that allllll the time doncha know!???? As if! lmao!

  4. Just popped over to say hello and thank you for following and found out we're (relatively) near blogging neighbours :)

  5. I'm guilty of having a Barbour or two and I live in the city/suburbs !

  6. I bought a pair of hunter wellies once, they didn't last five minutes in the real world. I usually wear hiking boots now as they are comfortable. Also I wear a fleece in winter and not a fancy jacket.

  7. lol love it! I am not sure i would fit in my Grandads old trousers, hhmmm maybe I could have them taken in a bit and be 'in fashion' :-)


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