Sunday 21 November 2010

Frosty Mornings

Mo and I were setting off for the morning walk, when I found myself sidetracked into looking at the effects of the overnight frosts. She is used to delays, it happens a lot, for one reason or another, and here she is standing pointedly by the gate, waiting patiently.

 Often it's feeding the chickens, or breaking the ice on the pond, or some little job that presents itself on the way from the back door to the gate.

This frost edged rose looked so pretty

and this verbena bonariensis 

Of course, what I really should be doing (apart from walking the dog) is setting out my winter bedding plants in the pots by the back door.
I should have had this job finished by now, but I find it hard to make time for garden duties at this time of the year, apart from the approach of Christmas, it's pretty damp and chilly all the time, and although I know I will really appreciate a few pots of colourful violas during the winter, I find it a real effort to go out and do it.  But I'm pleased to say James and I made a start yesterday and I intend to finish off later on today. So well done me.

Just a couple more Jack Frost pictures, and then I really will walk the dog. 


  1. Mo is so good to wait for you, obviously well trained. Fantastic photos, but I love the rose in particular. Diane

  2. Beautiful, frosty photos! When it gets really cold here I just want to stay inside and knit,lol! We are not cold yet though...

  3. Lovely photos. The rose looks beautiful.

  4. I know what you mean about it being hard to get enthused by gardening at this time of year. I am just the same and I do it for a living. I try and convince myself that everything I do now will make for a better garden next year. Your frosty morning pics look very nice.

  5. Dear Kathy, The frost bitten Rose looks simply lovely. It is rather wonderful how some Rose varieties do keep going through the winter and although the blooms may be sparse, they are so welcome when there is little else to cheer us through the dark and dreary winter days.

  6. Beautiful! The first delicate touches of winter really grab your attention.

  7. How beautiful -- it looks like someone painted each petal with a brush full of sparkly frost.

    I like frosty mornings -- thanks for sharing yours with us. :)

  8. Love the rose photo, x


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