Friday 7 May 2010

Fruit Tree Blossom

Just had to take this photo of my Bramley apple tree in full flower. I love fruit tree blossom, it would be worth having for the blossom alone, but when you consider you get buckets of fruit in the autumn as well, it makes me wonder why on earth anyone grows the Japanese flowering cherries you see on every street corner. They are lovely in their way of course, but I don't think they're half as pretty as the fruiting varieties, and the scent on this Bramley today was quite delicious. I have to walk past it to get to the greenhouse, and it's a joy.

I have an image in my head now, of everyone in London clogging up the streets in September with wheelbarrows to collect all the free fruit and nuts growing along the roads.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing these photos, they're an absolute joy.
    I've got one more container of bramley apples in the freezer from last year, and then it's an applepie free summer until the next harvest!

  2. They are beautiful blooms! I thought the same thing this year when my pear tree was full of blooms too--I noticed today that small pears are starting to emerge, I can wait for fall, but I can't wait for them! I hope you're having an enjoyable weekend!

  3. I love the colours Thank you for sharing the photographs.

  4. love the view from your kitchen window..!

  5. Thanks GG

    Ted and Bunny - lucky you, I'm clean out of bramleys till autumn!

    Kim - It's great when the fruit starts to form

    mangocheeks - My pleasure, glad you like

    John - keeps my mind off the fairy liquid

  6. Stunning photo - I love blossom.


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