Sunday 23 May 2010

Just Before That Cold Beer

Just a quick reminder to all you rhubarb growers out there, if you have any of these

which are flowering stems, then, pretty as they are, you need to snap them off as soon as you notice them and put them on the compost heap, so that the plant can concentrate all its energies on making more rhubarb leaves,and not seed.
And also, in this hot spell we're having just now, if you're finding it too hot to do any proper gardening, then just do the watering. If you do nothing else, water any plants that you've put in recently. It's all too easy to water them in when you plant, you think you've got them off to a good start and they can fend for themselves, but new plants have small root systems, and need watering during dry spells, indeed shrubs and trees need help for the whole of the first season. So do the watering and then find a shady spot, for a well deserved cold beer. You've earned it.


  1. I've got the sprinklers going right now. This is early for us to need to water. But, there hasn't been any rain for a while, and none forecast for a while more, so, high water bill, here I come. It's worth it to see all of those little plants soak it up.

  2. We have been getting almost to much rain. I wish I could send some your way. I still have my tomatoes and a few other thing still to get in my garden. They say it is going to be sunny and warm this week, I hope they are right.

  3. Hi Louise - I'm afraid there's little choice for us gardeners when the weather's so dry, your plants will thank you!

    Hello LilacCG -I wonder where you are to be getting so much rain, please do send us some!


Automatic chicken keeping - Introducing the Eggmobile

  I'm hugely excited about this new aquisition Well that just looks like an ancient rusty horsebox I hear you say. And what's more, ...